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A Shoe Full of Slush

"Spring is when you feel like whistling

even with a shoe full of slush."

- Doug Larson

It's a little crazy at our place.

Dirt is thawing,

vegetables (both in seed flats and under cover outside) are sprouting,

Sap is evaporating into syrup,

chicks are hatching in the incubator,

ewes, rabbits, cows, and goat does are heavy with babies, members are signing up, and we feel like we've been shot out of a cannon and into spring!

Don't get me wrong - it's a good feeling - just sometimes hard to keep up with. Each of us is focused in a different direction, and when our needs overlap, high-octane enthusiasm coupled with the seemingly scarcity of time can overtake us.

We don't get enough sleep, (Grrrr! to the hard adjustment to daylight savings time) irritation flares, and words are short. And that's when we forget to enjoy the change of season that we've longed for.

But the annoyance passes, and we again feel the air pregnant with possibilities, the softening ground that once again gives as we stride across it, the sun that warms us so that we remove our gloves and unzip our coats.

Ahhh . . . it feels so good to stretch our boundaries beyond the walls of our house and buildings. How grateful we are for this opportunity. Thank you - just thank you to all support us.

We hope you are also getting out to enjoy and soak in the change of season.

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