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Workshare Program

A workshare is an exchange of work for a share.


Workshare members are valued members of our farm, and we depend upon their help producing quality vegetables.


We offer several field-hand workshares for our vegetable CSA’s each summer. No experience is necessary – training happens on the job.


Agreeing to a workshare means you are committed to treating this position with respect – willing to work your scheduled hours, planning in advance for absences, and arriving with a good attitude.


Workshare spots are available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. Workshares are divided into 4 hour increments – typically 8:30am-12:30pm or 1:00pm-4:00pm on a designated day of the week. You choose the time slot and day that works for you from the available spots. (If these don’t work with your schedule – we may be able to find other times.)


 Full Vegetable Share – 60 hours of work or 15 times

EOW* Full Vegetable Share – 32 hours of work or 8 times

 Half Vegetable Share – 36 hours or 9 times

 EOW* Half Vegetable Share – 24 hours or 6 times

*Every Other Week



As a workshare you may be


weeding, thinning, trellising, transplanting, hoeing crops

installing/removing netting or row cover

harvesting, washing, sorting, packing produce


Workshare members meet with Stacey or Bill before their start date to clarify the duties of the position, to sign the Workshare Agreement Form, and to discuss any questions or concerns.


Email if you are interested in our workshare program.

Time Committment
Workshare Tasks
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