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Respecting the Dangers of Farm Life.

On the Farm . . . what's happening this week

We've been busy, busy on the farm this week.

•The garlic has been all harvested and is starting to cure. We tie the with stalks, bulbs and roots on a string and hang them to dry for about two weeks. This ensures they will store for up to 6 - 8 months. Many times the garlic you purchase at the grocery store has been kept in cold storage instead of being dried and may sprout when brought to and kept at room temperature. Below is the wagon full of harvested garlic. Next to it Nicole and Aidan are cleaning bulbs for the fresh garlic in your box this week.

As I mentioned (or maybe carried on about?) in last week's newsletter, we've spent considerable time weeding this week. Carrots - check, onions - several rows completed, gladiolas - check, fennel - check, peppers - check, tomatoes - ummm . . . the week isn't over yet!

Bill is busy watering again. We are filling out paperwork to obtain a farm loan for several projects including 2 small high tunnels for Winter Produce Share crops, but mainly to fund a new irrigation system.

•We planted lettuces, beans, peas, radishes, etc. for fall.

•Bill, with Liam's help constructed a bigger walk-in moveable chicken pen for the broiler chickens. Below is a picture of the pens we've been using. Next to it is a picture of the broiler chickens in their new digs!

Clean-up!!! The farm party is this Sunday. We will not complete all the projects on the list to show-off the farm at its best however, we have tamed a few forgotten cluttered areas

And just to make it a crazy week, last night, we experienced some Urgent Care Drama. Aidan was cutting some big weeds behind the barn. The goats love the tasty burdock leaves! He was using a curved scythe and whacked partway through a bunch of weeds. He put more force behind the next stroke expecting it to be equally hard to cut. It sliced more easily and continued past the stalks through a recently developed hole in his rubber boot and into the bottom of his foot.

Bill cleaned the wound with cold water for a good 15 to 20 minutes and wrapped it with gauze. The bleeding stopped. Aidan decided he wanted to go to Urgent Care and get stitches. The doctor put in 3 sutures and said he needs to stay off it for 2 days. Here is a picture of Aidan waiting for his foot to numb. He said those shots were the worst part. (The wound is covered.)

Later at home surrounded by pain management medicine, bandages, non-stick tape and Aidan asleep, I marveled at how lucky we are. Statistics show farming is dangerous for kids. Bill and I, while aware of that fact having grown up on farms and knowing kids hurt and even killed in farm accidents, often get caught up in the "busy" of our business and assume nothing will happen to Liam, Aidan and Marlee. The inherent dangers can be lessoned with knowledge, caution and practical sense, but we were reminded that they are always there.

Living on the farm with space to "roam" and experiencing life through nature and its seasons along with learning the responsibility of chores is a valuable gift our kids will reap the benefits of their whole lives. We have. Last night was an opportunity for us to be mindful of the present and to be thankful as well as respectful of our life together on the farm.

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